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How to Avoid Nutrient Depletion in Pregnancy

Approximately seventy-four percent of American women are lacking proper nutrients in their diet. The effects of this level of depletion may not be apparent in your current state of health, but at some moment in time down the genetic chain someone in your family will suffer from this level of loss....

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Understand the Elements and the Transformative Power of Alchemy

The Transformative Power of Alchemy Fire: The first step of the alchemical transformation is calcination which corresponds to the element of fire in your life. Calcination reduces everything to ashes and psychologically burns off the density of one’s personality and belief systems. When the element...

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Relationships Provide a Catalyst for Alchemical Physical, Spiritual & Emotional Changes

There are many personality flaws or ego mechanisms that can arise within relationships that create discordance between energy fields. When these types of underlying issues exist, you and your partner will not be able to create the high frequency vibration or potent energetic third field of the trinity....

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How to Utilize the Energy of Planet Earth to Increase Your Fertility

Mother Earth provides the greatest example we have of fertility. At her best, she creates life in ample abundance and flows forth everything needed for others to prosper. She magnifies the words lush, prosperity, wealth, health, reproduction and elegance. She has the power to create heaven within...

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