The Transformative Power of Alchemy
Fire: The first step of the alchemical transformation is calcination which corresponds to the element of fire in your life. Calcination reduces everything to ashes and psychologically burns off the density of one’s personality and belief systems. When the element...
How to Utilize the Energy of Planet Earth to Increase Your Fertility
Mother Earth provides the greatest example we have of fertility. At her best, she creates life in ample abundance and flows forth everything needed for others to prosper. She magnifies the words lush, prosperity, wealth, health, reproduction and elegance. She has the power to create heaven within...
How to Know When Your Elements Are In Balance Through Alchemy
At some point in your life you may feel the effects of alchemy, which is a force of transformation that happens in eight steps. When your life falls apart, or you feel some sort of a catalyst move through that forces change, you are likely in the first step of the alchemical process which is calcination....
The Adi Shakti Meditation to Upgrade Your Baby & Yourself
“I feel you must have some time when you are in difficulty. Rather than calling on help from friends and prayer, call the Maha Shakti and see what happens. When India and Indian woman knew this mantra, it dwelt in the land of milk and honey. When they forgot it, it became a hell. Only the forgetting...
Two Easy Ways to Improve Your Self-Esteem & Change Your Life
I personally struggled with an eating disorder for many years in High School. It started when I was around the age of sixteen while living in a dysfunctional family situation. I used binging on foods and purging to maintain a sense of internal control over my chaotic environment. At my worst, I was...
Conscious Conception: Plan Your Pregnancy (video)
The most important concepts you must understand regarding conscious conception is that it takes a significant amount of mental, emotional, and spiritual preparation and that pregnancy is something you should absolutely not take on if you are not fully ready. People all over the world are procreating,...
6 secrets to living your most creative life
Abraham Maslow states, “…the greatest cause of our alienation from our real selves is our neurotic involvements with other people, the historical hangovers from childhood, the irrational transferences, in which past and present are confused, and in which the adult acts like the child…If we have no...
Cultivating a Creative Attitude
“Someone who takes the time to understand their relationship with Source, who actively seeks alignment with their Broader Perspective, who deliberately seeks and finds alignment with who-they-really-are, is more charismatic, more attractive, more effective, and more powerful than a group of millions...